First Grade

In first grade we build upon the rhythms established in the kindergarten, extending to a full day of joyful learning imbued with wonder, creativity, music and movement.

Topics introduced in first grade include:

  • Pictorial and phonetic introduction to the letters of the alphabet
  • reading from writing
  • rhythmic poems
  • speech exercises
  • form drawing of curves, straight lines and patterns
  • qualities of numbers and elements of addition, subtraction,  multiplication, and division
  • counting, Roman numerals
  • fairytales
  • foreign language
  • songs, games, and poems
  • pentatonic recorder
  • seasonal songs
  • wet-on-wet painting using the three primary colors
  • knitting using two needles
  • beeswax modeling using scenes from fairy tales and simple figures
  • the wonder of nature through simple observation
  • nature studies from stories in an imaginative manner
  • circle games